Midjourney - what I've learnt so far
Midjourney - what I've learnt so far
· ☕ 3 min read
I felel in love with MJ. Some tips: https://www.wired.it/article/come-usare-midjourney/ See my gallery in this website: https://ricc.rocks/en/gallery/midjourney/ See my MJ page: https://www.midjourney.com/app/users/6f8c6312-ed0d-479f-b236-efbbffbb9823/ What it’s good for amazing at merging/bending different concepts and giving you an artistic view of something you know. Example: a mermaid chair , or a non-existent Giraffe Triggerfish. great at styling things (style of Caravaggio, Pixar, …).

🐧 Puffin Tours
📌 🐧 Puffin Tours
· ☕ 1 min read
Note: after this I’ve actyally created a Ruby on Rails application called Puffin Tours, for my wife to be able to add content and vote/rate it: Code: https://github.com/palladius/ror7-tailwind-puffintours App in PROD: https://puffintours-prod-rjjr63dzrq-ew.a.run.app/ About Puffin tours Puffin tours organizes event for the whole Carlesso family since 2021, when the term was coined. Here’s the company Logo (created with MidJourney of course) valigia Planning on the computer: image.png Puffin Tours: Company logo since 2021.