[Medium] Setting a ⬣ Cloud Build trigger with 🧹Pulumi in 🐍 Python
[Medium] Setting a ⬣ Cloud Build trigger with 🧹Pulumi in 🐍 Python
· ☕ 2 min read
The Original article here: TODO(7feb23): add this video as embedded: (created on 6feb23) A couple of weeks ago, I fell in love with Pulumi. it has everything I wanted from Terraform: easy to set up, easy config management, a nice UI for free, and most importantly… language Support! Pulumi is the best invention after Buffalo Pizza and has only a problem.. no Ruby support :/ Anyway, I’m so in love with ⬣ GCP (which happens to pay my salary, I got to admit), Cloud Build, Cloud Deploy, and in general CI/CD pipelines on Google Cloud that I wanted to give it a try.